TIL different ways to clone multiple git repos at once

As someone who frequently works with both GitHub and GitLab repositories, I often find the need to get an overview of various projects that exist within an organization or group. At my workplace, we use GitLab’s group- and subgroup functionality to organize our team-specific and customer-specific structures.

Recently, I …

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TIL how to work with Gitlab-CI’s Pull Policy

In a .gitlab-ci.yml job, if you do not specify a tag for an image, the latest tag is used by default.

The default configuration of the gitlab-runner to pull Docker images is if-not-present, which means the image is only loaded if it is not already present. This in turn …

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TIL how to alter gitlab-ci include-directives

We have a set of common pipeline jobs that are shared among different projects in Gitlab. We include them like this:

  - project: 'shared/gitlab/linting'
    ref: master
      - markdown.yml
      - ansible.yml

When you do this, these included jobs get executed with the runner that is defined in the …

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