TIL how to define different Helm-Repos in a template

Recently I had to create a Helm-Chart (still not a fan of it, at all!) where the image was different depending on if the helm-chart was used for local development or used in production.

I had to resort to using an if-else-condition that I put into the _helpers.tpl-file …

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Gitlab von der Kommandozeile aus bedienen

Glab ist ein Opensource-Tool, das es ermöglicht mit Gitlab über die Kommandozeile zu arbeiten. Dadurch entfällt das Wechseln zum Browser, um Merge Requests zu erstellen oder zu genehmigen, einen Pipeline-Lauf zu starten oder Issues anzusehen.

Glab kann mit Repositories arbeiten, die auf gitlab.com gehostet sind, aber auch mit eigenen …

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Working with Gitlab on the CLI

Glab is an open-source tool that allows you to work with GitLab from the command line, eliminating the need to switch to a browser to create or approve merge requests, start a pipeline run, or view issues.

Glab can work with repositories hosted on gitlab.com as well as with …

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Interesting Uses of Ansible’s ternary filter

Some time ago I discovered an interesting use of the ternary-filter in Ansible. A ternary-filter in Ansible is a filter that takes three arguments: a condition, a value if the condition is true and an alternative value if the condition is false.

Here’s a simple example straight from Ansible …

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