TIL how to mass-unsubscribe from Github notifications

As part of my job I routinely create new Github repositories for my colleagues. One unfortunate side-effect is that I am automatically subscribed to all those repositories and get mails for any new issues, pull requests and so on.

This culminated in hundreds of mails over the weekend when we …

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TIL how to create Github repos with Github

I needed to create multiple Github repositories and grant access to them for different users. After creating the first repository by hand and granting access to it, I had enough of it. There are just too many damn clicks!

So I used the CLI. Github has a nice cli-program called …

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TIL how to use Ansible-inventory for native ssh-connections

Actually I did not learn this today but already some years ago. Sometimes I need to connect to remote servers that have no hosts-file or dns-entry. But I don’t want to remember IP-addresses!

Luckily I do have these servers defined in Ansible’s hosts-file and I could theoretically …

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TIL how to get a plaintext list of Ansible hosts

There was a need to iterate over the hosts in an Ansible inventory-file (don’t ask). After fiddling around with grep and sed, I found an easier method:

ansible-inventory --list all | jq " ._meta.hostvars| keys[]"

ansible-inventory --list all lists all hosts including their variables in a nice big json response …

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