Advanced usage of yum-config-manager with setopts

Recently, I utilized the yum-config-manager program, which is part of the yum-utils package, to add an additional repository into a CentOS box (of course this works with RedHat, too).

The process involves installing yum-utils and adding a repository using the yum-config-manager command. Subsequently, a file is dynamically generated in the …

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Firewalld blocking snmp and fixing it (with Ansible)

Some time ago I had to use a new CentOS 7 virtual-machine for some things that aren’t relevant to this post. This machine had to run all the time but also had some problems with a sporadically failing application server. That’s why I decided to monitor the machine …

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Tiny Tiny RSS on CentOS with nginx and MYSQL

Today I want to present my Tiny Tiny RSS-installation, running on my own VPS.


tt-rss is “an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.”

Preface …

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