Manual RDS Backups save the day

Suppose you run a database as a service (DBaaS) for example in Azure. You have automated backups configured in case something bad happens. However these backups do not save you against a accidental database deletion as the backups get deleted, too!

Then there’s the Open Telekom Cloud (OTC). The …

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TIL that you should load Matomo asynchronously

If your Matomo server is unreachable it may be that your website cannot load!
You can defer loading the Matomo tracking. For ways to do that, check that blog post:

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Recovering after a root-partition resize gone wrong

Recently I tried to resize a LVM logical volume with its volume group and the physical disk belonging to the vg. Because the logical volume contained all partitions except for /boot I knew it would be hard.

I also knew that I had no backup and no snapshot of the …

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