TIL how to ship an executable with Poetry

I wanted to build an executable python script on PyPi, so it can be run like MyPackage instead of python MyPackage.py.

Finding out how to do this with Poetry was hard. Googling for “Python [distribute\|publish] executable” didn’t yield any useful results. I don’t even know how …

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TIL that Hetzner offers a free DNS service

I host my private servers at Hetzner, a really nice, reliable and cheap german webhoster.

Previously I managed my DNS zones with Route 53 from Amazon. There I paid 50 cents per zone per month. I have multiple zones so this adds up at the end of the year.

Then …

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TIL that creating Markdown from HTML is hard

Today I wanted to take the text of a Confluence page and convert it to Markdown.

Getting the text was rather easy (after some duckduckgoing): Confluence provides a REST-API that returns among other things the content of pages in json. Here’s the curl-command to do this:

curl "https …

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